Police Station Counters
A key message from my campaign in the PCC election is that the police need to be visible and accessible to the public.
Following the Police Commissioner's reorganisation of the Suffolk Constabulary's estate over 2013-17, only 3 police stations in Suffolk have a public access point (Ipswich, Bury and Lowestfoft).
Just over the County boarder in Diss for example, the Police station has maintained a counter (though it has not been operating during the pandemic) and many other county have been able to keep police station counters open, for example by bringing in volunteers.

Just look at the number of operational Police stations in Suffolk that have closed or been relocated (for example combined with fire stations), but without any public access.

My top priority is community policing - ensuring that the police are present and seen in all of Suffolk's communities. Community policing can enable the police to have 'eyes and ears' in the community and deters low-level crime. It is by far the best strategy for fighting crime in residential areas, and strengthens the relationship between the
community and the police. Having more open points of contact at local police stations or other community venues is an essential strand of community policing, encourages reporting crime and community safety concerns as well as dealing with lost property.
I will look at way that we can re-open Suffolk's police stations to the public
James Sandbach
Promoted by J Shreeve on behalf of J Sandbach (Liberal Democrats) both at 9 Marsh Lane Somerleyton Lowestoft NR32 5QX